Pursuant to Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce HERRAJES BERMI, S.L. As owner of the website www.bermiherrajes.com communicates to you the identification data required by the said Law.
Social name: HERRAJES BERMI, S.L.
CIF: B53040341
Registration details: Registro Mercantil de la ciudad de Alicante al tomo 1831 general, folio 192 sheet number A33895 inscription 9 Owner of the brand HERRAJES BERMI, S.L.
E-mail address: info@bermiherrajes.com
Head office: AVD. PORTUGAL, S/N Apartado 435 – CASTALLA (C.P.03420) – ALICANTE
This information regulates the conditions of use, the limitations of liability and the obligations that the users of the Web page that is published under the domain name www.bermiherrajes.com which the users assume and agree to respect.